Jodi West porn videos
Videos: 590
Views: 23M
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Jodi West the mature goddess with a sexy, refined body was born on the 20th of June 1964, in the US. This American pornstar and producer has carved out a piece for herself in the adult entertainment industry with her extensive and specialized work in MILF and Taboo genres and kinks. Standing 168 cm, or 5 feet and 6 inches high, with a fit physique, she has cultivated a persona that is known for her mature, cougar-like persona, and a friendly, step mommy like appearance which is highlighted by her blonde, flowing locks and overall athletic, firm body. She is often recognized fer her on screen persona, which is more authoritative, and has his stepmom vibe around her. Jodi West has started out in the adult film industry relatively late, debuting in her mid-40s, and while initially contemplating if she should try out porn or not, seeing the explosive rise of the MILF and Stepmom genre has spurred her on to take that leap. Since her start, she has found resounding success and critical acclaim for her acting capabilities, her gorgeous body and her honed talents. Her confident personality, and her genuine enjoyment allowed her fans to connect with her through realistic and enjoyable sex scenes. Her primary style and genres she excels in are MILF and step family related roleplay scenes, where she can play the horny, kinky cougar whom aches for a good fucking, and by the way she gives head, keeping eye contact through her luscious eyelashes while taking a dick all the way to the base, or when seeing her give herself over to wet and loud orgasms that run through her fit and sexy body, there, it is evident that she likes to keep focus on the intimate, and lovemaking aspect of a good porn scene. This commitment allowed her to land collaborations with many big agencies, but she found that with her own dedicated Agency, called Forbidden Fruits Films, she was able to fully express her art through genuine performances and glazed over orgasms, that have a tinge of genuine enjoyment that are highlighted with the raw and intense nature of sex.

Views: 23M
Videos: 590
Age: 61
From: United States
Hair color:
Height: None
Weight: None
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