Awesome video showcasing genuine spun fun. I love the conversations they have, makes it so real & just adds to the hottness factor. To defeat the bad audio i simply pull out the ol' pair of Sennheisers, walk into my Rockwool insulated garage, take seat in my custom ATS Acoustic sound booth, close my eyes & focus every inner ear hair i have left.... then it is possible to hear every naughty word coming out of their dirty little mouths.
Awesome video showcasing genuine spun fun. I love the conversations they have, makes it so real & just adds to the hottness factor. To defeat the bad audio i simply pull out the ol' pair of Sennheisers, walk into my Rockwool insulated garage, take seat in my custom ATS Acoustic sound booth, close my eyes & focus every inner ear hair i have left.... then it is possible to hear every naughty word coming out of their dirty little mouths.
Damn thought I was have a tired eye moment but tghat is a party mascot on the scene.
I would sure like to find any other videos featuring this lady! Any suggestions?