have you tried watching the video with your eyes open?
2 yearsI'm guessing you never clicked play
2 yearsI guess you're retarded if you can't press play and read
2 yearsare you retarded?
2 yearswatch the first 5 seconds moron
2 yearsyou're too young if you don't know her name
3 yearsGosh... I wonder if her name is on screen?
3 yearsUnderrated username. Donny Cates' King in Black is amazing.
3 yearsBut you thought she was hot enough to click on the video. Fuck off.
3 yearsyou're either blind or retarded if you can't see it on screen
3 yearsHmm... Dunno about this title chief
3 yearsIf you don't know her name then you're not old enough to be on here.
3 yearsThis is a long winded way of saying you're a cuck
3 yearsToo bad you're a dumb ass
3 yearsFox News? Then it's definitely fake news
3 yearsyou're retarded, aren't you?
3 yearsobviously you didn't watch the intro....
3 yearsdiscount chris hansen is better than real chris hansen
3 yearsshe literally says her name in the first 5 seconds... did you even watch the video?
3 yearsalright snowflake
3 yearsshe literally says her name in the first 5 seconds... did you even watch the video?
3 yearsNo they didn't
3 yearsSo this is what porn has become.... god I miss the 90s and early 00s
3 yearsThank god for yellow fever
3 yearsShe has an incredibly looking asshole, second only to Veronica Avluv who has the best looking asshole. EVER.
3 yearsif you had more than one brain cell, you'd realize her name is literally at the bottom of the screen.....
3 yearsgod this video is old as shit but its still a good one
3 yearsskinny girls > fat girls
3 yearssadly
3 yearsshe's got potential of being a GOAT one day
3 yearsnot saying this guy can't pleasure a girl or anthing.... but i don't think she felt anything
3 yearsgreat is a strong word....
3 yearsis she on the spectrum?
3 yearsit's because she uses big, scary words, huh? iget you, intelligence is scary.
3 yearsand yet here you are. just come out the closet already.
3 yearsyes she's a trap
3 yearswow this vid is ancient
3 yearsLittle Lupe
3 yearsngl yeah.... But I wouldn't be proud of it
3 yearsI was really expecting ABBA tbh
3 yearsgoth chicks are definitely hot
3 yearsLove this girl. PM me if you wanna know her name.
3 yearsWhat's it like to have one brain cell?
3 yearsHer content is always grade A stuff
3 yearsPM me if you wanna know
3 yearsyes
3 yearsYep
3 yearsThey don't make music like this anymore
3 yearsbro she looks like a fucking clown
3 yearsPm if you wanna know
3 yearsPm if you're still interested
3 yearsImma be real with you... Took me an hour but I got some names, brother. Pm me if you're interested in ALL their names.
3 yearsI got you fam! I got me some of that asian persuasion. If you still wanna know her name then pm me.
3 yearsShe definitely aight
3 yearsWe still allowed to call them orientals?
3 yearsshort hair / buzzed is always a win
3 yearsHell yeah, brother
3 yearsI remember this from way back in the day. Wonder what she is up to these days?