Cheers, my beloved; 안녕, 사랑하는 Hi_Teika, Здоровья, любимая Hi_Teika...
8 monthsMagnificent, thank you beloved Hi_Teika
11 monthsHappy Birthday beloved Teila
1 yearThanks Ezleeeskilll. when she smiles, she could almost be the exquisite Julia Nanase. Any chance you know her name?
1 yearShe's
1 yearDelightful, charming, thank you,
1 yearLess than 100%, i cant believe it... someone must have hit thumbs down by mistake. Adore Hi_teika. Hope shes well and happy.
1 year"please"
1 yearMadison, Thanks for sharing. I adore Hi_Teika and pray she's well (her last broadcast was alarming). Somehow I missed this one, any idea when it was broadcast?
1 yearBravo my friend. 5 months. I adore her.
1 yearHi_Teika
1 yearTeika is THE best
1 yearThanks for posting
Hi_Teika cutiepie60 is an adorable, charming young lady. She stopped broadcasting without warning about 8 months ago. Anyone know what happened to her?
2 yearsLovely to see such an early clip of our breathtaking Hi_Teika
3 yearsgorgeous teika / cutiepie60 had a really heavy cold this morning... take care and get well soon