Fatherless for sure
2 monthsPoor dad.
4 monthsJelisse_J if you're on MFC or IngridBlondy if you're on Chaturbate
11 monthsbottles all over as decoration lol broke people
11 monthsAfrican slave probably worth at best $1
1 yeardude got a shrimp dick probably should go back to the cotton fields
1 yearI think it's its_Nicki_babe
1 yearFound her onlyfans candy_girl_ua Probably can find her stuff online that way
1 year@candy_girl_ua I guess she has any onlyfans but i'm sure it's easier to find her stuff that way
1 yeark8lyn096
1 yearshit small looks like a pinky compared to mine
1 yearMollymoon
1 yearJessica J from MFC
1 yearEmmax566 her hair is blond now
1 yearJelisse_J from MFC
1 yearI think I'm becoming more autistic as I watch this...
2 yearsWho's the purple dude
2 yearsMiss_Alice94
2 yearsTyrone probably beat her up and gave her a black eye and left
2 yearsSo did the step brother get COIVD then?
2 yearsKATTELIFE works too
2 yearsI believe it's Legendarylootz
2 yearsfirtsbornunicorn
2 yearsDiana Deets, CoconutKitty or lilclit69 however you spell it
5 yearswow never seen such acting!...........
5 yearsIllicit69
6 yearsshe sounds retarded
7 yearsIs he going to have like a heart attack?