How are you supposed to wack it to this with that guy moaning the whole time
1 yearWhat part of the white blonde girl did you mistake for a Latina
1 year7:12 name?
2 yearsname?
2 yearsdid you really just ask that without just googling the name
2 yearswhat the fuck is this editing
2 yearswell that was weird
2 yearsName?
2 yearsWhat the fuck is that stupid song
2 yearsWhat the fuck is that music what retard directed this
3 yearswhy do girls keep doing those dance moves that look like moves they taught the retarded kids to do so they could feel included
3 yearswhy is this so blurry
3 yearsname?
3 yearsgod damn it is annoying when the guy doesnt shut up
4 yearsgod i hate weebs
4 yearsthanks for sharing
4 yearsdelete this potato quality video
4 yearsname?
4 yearsname?
4 yearswhy the hell did you upload this in 320p
5 yearspretty sure those tags werent there before lol
5 yearswtf is wrong with the quality
5 yearsdid you really have to downgrade the quality?
5 yearsname?
5 yearsyou really bother to fucking upload a compilation video with what 240p quality?
5 yearswhat i would give for an actual hd video of her
5 yearswhy the fake title
5 yearsnice video quality...
5 yearswhats private? private meaning what she sells videos on a secret website?
6 yearsname?
6 yearswhy cant i find more of her
6 yearsstop uploading shit in low quality
7 yearsfull name?
7 yearsname?
8 yearssmiley emma
8 yearssmiley emma
8 yearsname?