Waste of porn talent....for real she didn't want all that attention. Most of her scenes were whack but her curves are all time.
9 monthsI bet she got some gooooood pussy!!!
11 monthsI think its wild to eat pussy, then turn around and put a rubber on. If I'm eating pussy I'm fucking raw it's that simple. What are you saving at that point. LOL
1 yearNever will understand eating pussy to put a rubber on....SMH
1 yearMothaphukaz paying these hoes 3 and 400 dollars for this shxt. she ain't even naked. Some weirdos out here.
1 yearWhat exactlly are they supposed to be doing....this ain't facesitting. As a matter of fact even if you sign a waiver if these big bitches don't get off of you like when you see them squirming and all that. If they die that's on the girls...Period. So I guess when they start squirming they need to get their fat asses up off of you.
1 yearDamn this girl is thick!!!
1 yearThis bitch is whack
1 yearIt's all in the name of health....she don't look nothing like this now...NOTHING!!
1 yearRaw Dawg
1 yearShawty played herself out by bullshitting too long and she looking for folk to remember her. GTFOH
1 yearGot some of this chocolate bitch down in New Orleans....she say rubbers irraite her pussy.
1 yearThis dude been hitting that all that time and never learned to hit it right....SMH. She prolly don't even know what good **** is...
1 yearOther than just her....these scenes with this dude are fucking terrible...he don't know how to hit that and never learned all that time of hitting that azz
1 yearGuess that explains all the rubber scenes.
1 yearLooks like a tranny...I think this joint had the ultimate surgery.
1 yearFucking sexy ass milf!!!
1 yearTake them bottoms off bitch!!!!....the fuck is ya'll doing with this hump riding what we in 6th grade.
1 yearFuck all that.....bitch no bottoms. What the hell kinda scary azz face sitting is this. These hoes don't belong in this scary to let it flow.
1 yearSome of these dumb ass grown dudes....
1 yearit'll never happen, chief.
1 yearSo I find out that this chick in the MD area and charges over 350 plus for her just to sit on you. You cant eat the pussy so what's the point of face sitting. Its some weird folk out here if you paying just so you can possibly get crushed by this almost 400 pound can't even fuck. This shyt is weird.
1 yearThe fuck!!!!....yea you can tell the chicks that can't handle that real stroke...I don't know what the fuck this is
1 yearShe def got a BBL
1 yearWhat happened to them testing in porn...
1 yearWild as hell she on FB all married and got a whole porno still online....SMH.
1 yearThat Orlando pussy...
1 yearI couldnt sit there and film this....she hired a dude to film her. Vid was good though
1 yearToo many chicks out here doing this type of shyt right here....
1 yearShe starting to play herself nobody is hitting that is beyond me...nope on second thought you never know what the hell is going on now a days.
1 yearThis is Thickaliciousent....ccheck her O.F....claiming she'd never do a porn video...all we need is the other half of this one right here. IJS
1 yearThis bitch here.....
1 yearShe a chocolate boring chick....her scenes are blah!!...she need to get to the U.S...she thinks she's a star over there, shyt, come here and see.
1 yearFuck outta here with this PG bullshit...
1 yearSee that dumb ass rubber fucked up your shot.....test damn it
3 yearsThis is the shyt I wish Danipumpkinzz would do....
3 yearsCan someone explain what the everlasting fuck this dude is attempting to do??
3 yearsChyna Phat got scared of all that attention and said fuck this im out. You never saw her do a damn thing again. Might as well go all the way after this joint...Sheesh
3 wear a rubber for her to swallow. That is stupid they should test and fuck naturally.
3 yearsReal looks like neither one knows what the fuck to do....IJS
3 yearsRaw Dawg
3 yearsIf she didn't come back this dudes career was over...and after her he still won't have any good content. Whack
3 yearsGreek Blue....has shown enough body. Hope she don't play herself out and ups the anni on her content.
3 yearsThese are the joints those super vouyers need to find...those milk in the store throwers....LOL...surprised she didn't get tagged.
3 yearsMet her at Mardi Gras....whooo Lawd!!!!
3 yearsThat must be her dude....the only one that hits it raw dawg
3 yearsFolk need to stop giving this broad a pass and put some work in at that chocolate joint....
3 yearsIf you want to make her move you gotta hit that big joint!!!!....She stiff cuz he scared of that big joint...pussy probably fire but folks record anything.
3 yearsI laugh every time I see someone putting gel on a ain't no good after that. ain't made for rubbers...test, test,test.
3 yearsSurprised she getting smashed off by somebody's a cat in the game I thought was handcuffing this joint....don't save em!!!!...tht shit is real.
3 yearsYeah....that's a cougar, gotta give her all that white
3 yearsMaaaan....if ya'll happen to run into some of these hoes out here on the street....remember to fuck em...but don't try and save em....cuz they don't wanna be saved as you can see...simps throw yourselves off a bridge.
3 yearsDude just couldn't get her to perform...let me get this right. She makes her own gets leaked to all the major sites but this dude couldn't get her to do anything but this whack shyt...and I use to wonder why these porn chicks had so much negativity towards this dude.
3 yearsWhy I hear so many ill words directed at this dude she's in the film with. I mean she was on a podcast where she blasted him too. Considered as one of the weakest dudes in the industry.
3 yearsI bet that big ass makes a lot of clappin
4 yearsDudes be having these chicks with these supa donks and can't even hit em right.....SMH
4 yearsMs. Parental Guidance....
4 yearsThis chick needs some real fucking
4 yearsShe still ain't fucking on camera yet....this broad whack asf too
4 yearsCash your shit in shawty you're done!!!!
4 yearsShe might be fucking but she ain't getting gotta fuck that joint
4 yearsAfter you put your face all in a chix don't need a rubber.
4 yearsLLS....some peoples wild ass shit.
4 yearsBBD is whack as fuck!!!
5 yearsNaw boo....gotta be more convincing then that. LOL
5 yearsI like her sexy ass....she can get it!!
6 yearsCant bullshit hittin phat ass bbw's like gotta hit that big joint!!
6 yearsShe may be hott...but has a whole lot of whack ass scenes. Stick to your regular job sugah. LMAO
6 yearsWhaaaaat!!!!....somebody else hitting that thang....I can't believe it. LOL
6 yearsShe nice but needs to do some real scenes..
6 yearsYea but gotta hit that joint. Niiiice.
6 yearsLOL...naw playa you gotta hit that big joint.
6 yearsFat girl can't take no dick that's why she records bullshit like this. LOL
6 yearsShe can't take no dick tho
6 yearsWTH is this...grown adults don't hump...we fuck
6 yearsLizz got some gud pussy