Really? Are you STUPID? Her name is on the screen along with the male talent 15 seconds into the clip.
2 monthsReading not your strong suite? It's in the description.
2 monthsThis is BULLSHIT. She wouldn't come home with $40. She would have chosen up. Coming home with $40 would be a death sentence.
3 monthsReally? Are you really this lazy or stupid? Sadie Holmes.
3 monthsYou sound like a trick. Oh wait, you are.
4 monthsAre you blind? What were you watching? 24:11 is when he starts fucking her ass. Dumbass.
4 monthsYou're fucking stupid. He said her name 15 seconds into the clip. It's unbelievable the level of incompetence found here. Moron.
9 monthsBecause they are idiots?
1 yearYou're not serious...
1 yearReally? J@x Sl@yer,Pr!nce
1 yearThat's a bullshit response. I shoot content. Sometimes we provide wardrobe and sometimes we don't. But she shot with different companies and wore the same shoes, which mean they were her shoes.
1 yearIt won't focus from that far away... Stop buying cheap shit.
1 yearNope. Like REAL women.
1 yearShe isn't Latina. Her name is Cl@!re Bl@ck
1 yearAre you stupid? Mom drop you on your head? She said her name in the beginin of the video. They also put it on the screen.
1 yearLearn to read. Tricia Oaks.
1 yearReally? Learn to rea, pay attention. Tricia Oaks.
1 yearWho wants to hear someone mumbling bullshit?
1 yearTe@g@n H@rt
1 yearDumbshit
1 yearDude shouldn't speak. He sounds like a fucking moron.
1 yearAnal? No. Hentai? No. Asian? No. SMFH
1 yearDude is a complete tool
1 yearno anal
1 yearShe "WAS" a third grade teacher.
2 yearsYou're gross. If you don't like it, don't watch.
2 yearsShe's intersex. Look it up.
2 yearsUR fake
2 yearsThey discussed he name in the first minute. Deaf?
2 yearsthe name is in he title. Rude? How do you fuckboys actually function in life?
2 yearsreading is fundamental.
2 yearsWho fucked her boob job up?
2 yearsWhat are you talking about? Dude can run his studio anyway he wants.
2 yearsHow so punk? I create content. She looks like someone I shot years ago. Whom by the way came to MY company. So how am I stalking? I'm here fo talent... spank you little wiener.
2 yearsYour mom's a freak. Punk
2 yearsAre you serious?
2 yearsno anal
2 yearsHe said Jules
2 yearsAnal where? Uranus?
2 yearsNot Katerina Honza
2 yearsShe looked so much better before all the tats and fake boobs, with the long black hair.
2 yearsWhich shop?
2 yearsThese white boys are REAL sorry.
2 yearsIt doesn't work that way...
2 yearsThis bich is bad
2 yearsAnal where?
2 yearsBitch fell hard
2 yearsThey may be transitioning?
3 yearsAre you kidding me? Twenty minutes of the hoe talking?
3 yearsThis is stupid
3 yearsShe is a complete waste of time. She's a fucking hoe who can't even do her job.
3 yearsThis is a cheap bitch. In EVERY scene she is wearing the same pair of heels. What does she spend her money on?
3 yearsShe is FINE...
4 yearsYour moms a tool
4 yearsThis is so weak
4 yearsWho is she?
4 yearsThis bitch is BAD. She can throat a dick.
4 yearsLet's see... 5'10" blonde, beautiful, no tats... and STUPID.
5 yearsNOT Remy Lacroix
5 years33 minutes of two semi attractive bitches kissing? Are you fucking serious?
6 yearsNasty ass pool needs more than cleaning.
6 yearsMore intelligent than you are.
6 yearsSounds like it, or you would have kept your mouth shut.
6 yearsJealous much?
6 yearswrong
7 yearsBig Dick? Nah...
7 yearsHe's interviewing for the job, but telling her what to do?
7 yearsDon't try something if you don't know what your doing. Anal fail.
7 yearsyou are blind
7 yearsShe was in the business 2009-2011. There was HD at that time. Next excuse...
7 yearsThis is soooooooo stupid.
7 yearsDude I photograph adult stars every week. So um, what are YOU talking about?
7 yearsWhere do YOU see Riley Reid? SMFH...
7 yearsWhat is your simple mind talking about?
8 yearsVery sexy. Who are these girls.
8 yearsWho is she?
8 yearsWho is she?
8 yearsStupid...
8 yearsShe is FINE... he is weak.