Charllet look that up
3 yearsnicenice and sexy
3 yearsWho is this ?
3 yearsDamn who is she ?
3 yearssound is way off on this one
3 yearsWho is this ?
3 yearsWho is this woman ?
3 yearsI love it when it looks like it is gonna be a great video and your like aweee yes.. Then a guy starts talking and wont shut up and ruins what was gonna be a great video
3 yearswow that first girl dancing naked with her kids in the same room... SO SO SAD AS HELL...
3 yearsthis would be a great video if the dumbass guy in it would stop talking and shitting on himself
3 yearsWHO IS THIS ?
3 yearsyou are right and i may half found another one
3 years
3 yearsI was gonna be like wow on this video/ but I think this woman is stepping way out of line..
3 yearswho is she ? WOW
3 yearswho is this godess