The Mom at 3:10 is the best one. She makes her cock violenty spurt several hard shots of Semen in her mouth and hit her real hard in the face. The male had to really enjoy that.
1 yearseems to be uncredited. I dig her too
1 yearIs there an uncensored version?
1 yearIs there uncensored version?
1 yearIs there uncensored version?
1 yearNice looking dick for Cumshot#1. Big juicy head and she got a nice healthy load
1 yearThe older lady in red at 49:00. Like how she makes the dick squirt semen on her phone. It doesn't bother her and she doesn't even make an effort to clean it up
1 yearI agree. I don't know why they only let her make 1 cock sjaculate. At like 2:45 she made one blast her in the face over and over while she was kinda stunned and went through her lines. The guy attached to the dick obviously liked her oral skills
1 year39:45 Lucky girl in light pink gets a great Penis. Very Hard, provides a healthy load. She gets to clean it up with her mouth and the post orgasm erection is beautiful.
1 yearWith 16:44 left, the mom with the pink phone takes a major semen blasting on the face and lips while she tries to pretend it didn't happen. She's got some serious oral talents
2 yearsThe first 2 are great as the dicks twitch and have several healthy squirts as she watches the fireworks
3 years43:55 you can hear the guy moan, then the big stiffie erupts and you can hear his semen land on her book. Oops pages stuck together lol
3 yearsThe one at 58:10 made that guy twitch and ejaculate so hard he spurted like 7 times and you could hear his semen splash on the paper on the table. Lucky fucker
3 yearsDon't know but she wasn't a fan of sperm in her mouth
3 years5:15 name please
3 yearsolder woman at 4:45 did more of a blowjob
3 yearscute girl at 8:00
4 years8:42 dick cums on girl on right phone lol
5 yearsYummy dick and sperm. Lucky girl
5 yearsEverything about this is sexy. The guy moans as his gorgeous cock floods her mouth with his sperm, and she swallows it
6 yearsYou can actually see his balls tighten up as cum squirts out of that beautiful penis
6 yearsnice job taking in all the sperm
7 yearsthat first penis is awesome. Love to suck it
8 yearsyummy penis and cumshot
8 yearsI like to watch the dicks cum and masturbate to me sucking and swallowing their cum
8 yearsWhere do I sign up to suck these great penises?
8 yearsi wanna do this
9 yearsas a female watching these videos, I like to see what the dicks look like, how hard they get, and how much cum they can produce. Awesome job by these guys, especially to the guy with the nice cock that surprises her by cumming all over her chest and shirt
9 yearsgreat dicks