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Don't talk about your wife like that!
7 monthsThat's your sister John, you know that. Common.
1 yearSuch a classic. "He's fucking her in the ass! I don't even get to fick her in the ass!"
1 yearYou shouldn't talk about your sister like that John!
1 yearRacist...
1 yearThe goat
1 yearI wouldn't go as far as GOAT status.
1 yearStop jerking off to your mom John.
1 yearQuebec is one hell of a country
1 yearWhat legends are made of.
1 yearI know! Tell your sister to stop showing her tits on here John.
1 yearIncredible
1 yearIt's a reducrion
1 yearProbably almost as proud as your parents, you inbred hillbilly.
1 yearSometimes, she loooks like a crack whore
1 yearThe French are raunchy
1 yearThe kind of girl you fuck then block her number. Bitch looks fucking nuts.
1 yearHot as fuck bro
1 yearShit the fuck up john you Dumb fucking hillbilly.
1 yearSuch a classic
2 yearsAnd I'm the 7th day, god created big hoes to slurp his massive dong!
2 yearsShe legit has a tail
2 yearsAmazing ass on the younger one. Who is she?
2 yearsHer nipples are amazing though!
2 yearsHow was prison Jack?
2 yearsShrek with tits
2 yearsThis chick is epic!
2 yearsGross Tits
2 yearsAmazing tits, and thick in all the right places!
2 yearsDid she just wrap his dick in a fruit roll up?
2 yearsThis is not Kelsi Monroe
2 yearsGreat Tits on her!
2 yearsDuck she's ugly!
2 yearsJust casually getting his dick sucked while Mile Davis serinades them in the background!
2 yearsLol, why does she have rabbit shits? What is she eating?
2 yearsSuch raunch!
2 yearsThat's deep bro....
2 yearsNuhuh. Not true.
2 yearsShe keeps getting hotter
2 yearsStrongly disagree with the title
2 yearsSinners!
2 yearsSomeone get her a Twinkie already!
2 yearsShe has the best saggy tits!