salieri gets aroused by the exact things I find arousing.
6 monthsshe's so fucking hot. I stroked off to her live feed often ...makes me hard right away.
6 monthsunreal. this woman is so sexy. her whole demeanor is cute. nervous but piqued ... love her
7 monthsshe's so unique and weird looking that's what makes her so hot. her hotness is impenetrable... unless she started lookin like everyone else
7 monthsc@m3r0n v@ughnnnn... 1 of my f@vs
7 monthsshe's super cute. holy shit cameraman was annoying. sounding off with the corniest shit to say
8 monthssexy not ugly
8 monthsamazing I have jacked off to her dozens of times. and that Pennsylvania accent...too good
8 monthsshort blonde hair turquoise bra lady is the pinnacle woman. I'd marry her jus so I could have my cock inside her ASAP
2 yearsthanks for deets shes super hot.
2 yearslydia is hot. seen her pics here n there but never knew her name. she looks like a TA for a history class ...that likes telling on students who respond to her flirty gaze and smile. I love her
3 yearsshes gotta be from PA or MD