Dude if you scared to show your face next time have her get on top and then record. This is boring af
2 monthsRight she need to go to plumberpass now
3 monthsThat was the wrong angle buddy
4 monthsThat white dude messed up the video. He looks weird and keeps looking at the dude
4 monthsThat was spit
4 monthsDefinitely didn't pull out on time
4 monthsCondom was the problem.
4 monthsSpankbang
5 monthsOh hush and jackoff. Its not like you interested in her anyways
5 monthsShould've had him hold the camera since his face was blocked off and we missed all of the squirting. Shouldve had the camera focus on your ass not your ugly ass face.
6 monthsthey gotta start making sure they ass clean before they do doggy w the ass in the air. We not tryna see that but its all in the way.
6 monthsI wished I knew what he felt at 16:34 cause that pussy bust had his ass looking crazy.
6 monthsMy boy be getting it in w the ankle monitor and all.
6 monthsDestroyed!! Seems to me you was trying to hold in that nut after the first stroke
7 monthsNot really if he's wearing a condom
8 monthswhy does PP makes their model girls start off w reverse cowgirl now. I hate that position from watching.
8 monthsI wonder how much did they pay him to fuck her.
9 monthsRight she fucked him. And the camera angle sucks too.
11 monthsI dont think he enjoy it
1 yearComing from someone who watches porn to get his rocks off.
1 yearThese bastards w these monster clocks love fucking these little skiny white girls.
1 yearFr all the new upcoming stuff is old and wack. Still trying to support but you right it might be done
1 yearSs means they're bigger
1 yearWaste
1 yearMusic in the background sucks. Why make a video.
2 yearsshould of just watched cuckold
2 yearsProlly was fun to make but boring as hell w bad camera angles
3 yearsAm thinking more 10 to 15k
3 yearsBoring ass scene
3 yearsThose old tricks need to just be producing
3 yearsThose two are the main two I can't look