I love when these women are kissed and fall deeply asleep
11 monthsI want to be hypnotized as deeply as these women
1 yearShe is such a good subject.
2 yearsI must become a young lady like her. Please hypnotize me.
2 yearsOMG this video makes me feel so feminine
4 yearsI wish I could be hypnotized like that
4 yearsWhere did you get this from? She is so wonderful
4 yearsI love it when at 45:30 she falls asleep on the man. I wish I knew what the hypnotist was saying.
4 yearsFractionization forever wow
4 yearsThis young lady is so lovely and shy. I wish I was her.
5 yearsI she hypnotized?
5 yearsI am a woman now. How did she do it?
6 yearsDo you feel like a girl when you rub your cock?
6 yearsSleep Nikki
6 yearsDeep sleep
6 yearsSuch a sleepy girl
6 yearsShe is an excellent subject. She is so confused.
7 yearsHypnosis is so powerful
7 yearsWhat a gorgeous girl. I want her.
7 yearsThe brunette has the most gorgeous eyes and hair