RIP spankbang
1 yearThat´s just anorexia plus fake ass implants everywhere. Ain´t nothing thick about this shit.
1 yearThick? Bitch where?
1 yearShe got thicker
1 yearWho is she? She's thick as fuck.
1 yearTie between red and the tall one
1 yearSlim women with ass always look better with a couple of pounds more.
1 yearNothing better than naturel thickness
2 yearsThey only cast white women with no ass... smh
2 yearsWhat ass?
2 years14:30 cant be serious calling this weak shit slim thick...
2 years"PAWG"
2 yearsShe's thick asf
2 yearsCalling that ass big is a big ass lie...
2 yearsShe looks soft as hell
2 yearsNothing big about that ass
2 yearsBebe rexha thick as hell
2 years''''''''thicc''''''''
2 yearsWhen the last time she ate anything?
2 yearsHer body is crazy
2 yearsZero ass
3 yearsPorn industry is turning these women into Frankenstein monstrosities.
3 yearsCan't beat women with this amount of ass
3 yearsThick has lost all fucking meaning if a toothpick with a fake ass is now considered thick
3 yearsLori better because her ass got a natural bounce
3 yearsThat Lipo plus silicone is making these bitches look masculine as hell
3 yearsNot thick at all
3 yearsLipo titties are the worst thing ever
3 yearsHer body is fire
3 yearsNo wonder he went raw, ass fatter than mfer
3 yearsThick? PAWG? Man stop...
3 yearsUgliest fake ass I've seen so far
3 yearsPawg? That ass is barely poking...
3 yearsWhat's with all the thick white rave girls
3 yearsRight stands no change
3 yearsBbls with no thigh meat look weird
3 yearsIn a sea of silicon, she gonna stand out. Foh
3 yearsWho the owner of those absolutely massive booty cheeks
3 yearsAll camera trickery, ain't no bubble on her. She lacks the required meat for that.
3 yearsShould demand a refund
3 yearsAnother one lost to the plastic surgery demons. Smh
3 yearsSkinny with fake T&A looks odd
3 yearsI don't know why porn is promoting all this plastic garbage, but it needs to end. These women don't even look soft anymore, just skinny with bolted-on ass and titties.
3 yearsDisgusting
3 yearsAny white girl is a PAWG these days...
3 yearsW in pawg stands for white, not light skin...
4 yearsProfessional porn filled with fake diaper asses these days, thank god for the amateur porn.
4 yearsWeight loss has these women looking terrible
4 yearsA year later and she became a skinny toothpick
4 yearsLeft def not a PAWG
4 yearsav1 b3rry
5 yearsNothing thick about these skinny hoes
5 yearsThighs matter
7 yearsShe always been thick. FOH
7 yearsThick gone wrong. Nasty ass build-a-bitch.
8 yearsStupid thick