I sure would like to see more of her. Does she have other videos?
10 monthsLooks like it.
10 monthsI agree with you.
1 yearI agree with you. I've see wayyyyyy worse. Have you seen Janet Mason's new implants? They look kinda not so good as they use to.
1 yearWhat a fucked up piece of shit she is now.
1 yearfuckin A no way
1 yearYep, pretty fuckin' bad.
1 yearMrs. Jewell
1 yearMan, I wish someone would re-master this.
1 yearOne of my favorite MILF's!
1 yearwhat a shitty image. Who posted amatuer???
1 yearWould have been wayyyy better if they had used a camera man. The angles and the shots would have been much better.
1 yeartotally fake
1 yearfor my money, one of her top three vid's.
2 yearsThanks, Man! Great vid.
2 yearsI'd pay money to see her do a come-back
2 yearsmonte rae
2 yearswould LOVE to see more of this lady!
3 yearsYes, it's Patty for sure. Man I'd sure to see more of her at this age!
3 yearsVery hot vid
.....Thank you!!!
3 yearscorrect
3 yearscorrect
3 yearsNow that's a DAMN good video. I really liked that the son didn't have a fucking beard and thirteen tattoo's
3 yearsBecause she got old and fat.
4 yearsI like her vid's from 2005 and on. Thanks for posting. Post more if you can, please.
4 yearsShe does edited versions of this on y0utoob3 under the name Gill Ellis-Young. Mostly she wears real lowcut and short stuff and just shows off, cutting out the parts where she shows her tits. Its a realllllllll popular channel.
4 yearsMargo Sullivan. Have you ever seen her vid where she knees Lance Hart in the nuts a bunch of times?
4 yearsI could watch hours and hours of her. Does anybody out there have more of her. I believe she went by the name "Hot Peg" or Hot Wife Peg". If you do please post it.
4 yearsI could watch hours and hours of her. Does anybody out there have more of her. I believe she went by the name "Hot Peg" or Hot Wife Peg". If you do please post it.
4 yearsThis was about 50 lbs. ago.
4 yearsbarely ok and the guys were nothings.