These females, regardless of ethnicity, are so not smart. hindsight is always 20/20 vision: Why they let a male stick his penis where is absolutely does not belong is indicative of the perverted end times. They should carry a 10 in, 2.5 in diameter dildo in their perse, then tell the closet homosexual "since male and female both have an anus, allow her to use it on him so he'll know how it feels. otherwise cease the one side show ruining her anus in the long run.
2 about typical bullshit: the male's face is cencored but the female's isn't. Yet and while they are fucking, both are cencored. If this were a lesbian video, then the faces and/or vagina's of either female would be cencored! This cannot be explained with any VALIDITY!
2 yearsWhenever the numbskull male stick his hand in the video, he ruins it! The point is that he does not have to stick his fuck up looking hand and ruin a perfectly good vidoe! What a fucken idiot!
2 years...funny thing how many of these girls talk about, advertise, and want to have "casual" sex. There is never been nor has the ever been anything "casual" about sex!
2 yearsWhen this female was warned that once she experiences the BBC, she's going to need a wheelchair, she later replied: the wheelchair ain't so bad
2 yearsAn example of the egregios insecurity on the part of the BIGOT, weak minded Caucasian males who've the authority to display what view on this particular website, notice a Black teen females is show as a :shoplyfter, however, what rarely seen if at all (again due to insecurity, compounded by bigotry is the abscense of a Black so called loss prevention officer. I guess when you're pathetic you're pathetic.
2 yearstypical shallow weak move: the pervert posing as a loss prevention person choose to violate first the female with the same, bland complexion as his weak minded ass.
2 yearsno disrespect, but if you're a Caucasian male, then your comment is "par for the course" Real talk.
2 years...don't know what you're watching, but the woman was the recipient of the two BBC men who obviously put the real work in. ..the point is she's NOT the star of this video.....real talk.
2 yearsPolitics contaminates every aspect of life: notice that when these women, regardless of ethnicity, have a certain client/customer viewing their show, when a dildo in involved, they select the pigment of the dildo to coincide with the ethnicity of the customer viewing their show.,
2 yearsOnly an IDIOT or a "closet homosexual" would be weak-minded enough to instead of placing is penis in the rectum of anyone who's dense enough to allow him to do so, instead of the place on the female anatomy specifically designed for it to go. Too, the ethnicity and gender that initiated that sordid, invalid practice, and also probably owns this particular website is Caucasian. Real talk.
2 yearsWhy would any non-perverted, secure, heterosexual male even need to put his penis into the rectum of a female even if she is curious about? Manhood means not being weak-minded enough to succumb to confusion, going along with the so-called sordid,perverted "trend" of the rapidly decending society we live in.
2 years...its fucked up that vids like this has to be completely mared by the pervertedm, homosexual rectum intetcourse portion. Otherwise it would've been okay.
2 about degredation: Why would a male (except as direct in a porn video by perverted Caucasian directors) desire to put his penis in a femals ass when her vagina is more than adequate, including MUTUAL pleasure for the both of them? Can anyone say IDIOCY?
2 yearsA primary indicator of degredation in society is when the male attempts to place his penis in a part of the female's anatomy it by design was absolutely never intended to go: the females anus or rectum. about dumb and asinine.
2 yearsOnly a closet fag or homosexual would put his penis where it doesn't belong - in a female's anus rather than where it suppose to go - the vagina. Only gullible, neive, low self-esteem females would be taken advantage of and allow that. ..PERVERSION... furthermore, some of these females are so lost mentally, they will place a penis in their mouth immediately after she allowed it in her anus, Wow, how dumb and stupid is that?
2 years...that that ass of hers! That fat-ass bitch...I love to look at that wonderful, plump, wide ass of the fuxster, Jessica
2 yearsWhy do a mix gay or fag pics with straight, heterosexual pics or previews?
2 yearsWhat ruins good videos like this is the appearance or hand of a male who's obviously insecure and just has to show up in to video somehow. If you're going to tape a sex scene, that one thing. Or if you're going to video tape a sexy looking chick, then do that, don't show your hand rubbing her ass, or your reflection in mirror video taping the sexy woman.
2 yearsIt's F***ked up that they don't specify if the "rectum" intercourse or not in some of these videos...Everyone's not perverted like that! is in fact a perversion ...the sordid activity is succinctly in harmony with the definition.
3 yearsThe nerve of this dumb-ass, ghetto thug telling the woman how to express her self when she's merely the ectasy she feels from having sex. about an asinine MF (the male)
3 yearsAnother dumb-ass male who doesn't know his own rectum from a hole in the ground misleading the female featured in the same video. If she knew any better, she can do by herself.
3 yearsIts truly fucked up the web site featuring this video entitled: "" The video features only one "RACE" ...The Human Race....They're both humans are they not? If she became pregnant, they can only reporduce another Human, is that not true? They both have the basic same BIOLOGICAL functions except whats specific to each gender, is that not true? So, its simply two people funcking... is it not? WTF
3 yearsWhen a BBC is fucking a white girl, it seem to naturally magnify the BBC. However, when a "BWC" is fucking a Black, it acutally deminishes the diameter of the WBC simply because the its a Black female - her pigment is outstanding over the pale or less-pigmented male. ...just an observation.
3 yearsThe male voice ruins this video. We don't need to hear anything other than the music she's dancing to or from her herself. The knuckle head male just needs to keep his mouth shut and record the video or whatever.
3 yearsWhat ruined this video of three sexy, adorable young females dancing in Lingerie was the background smerch of the two males...They don't know how to stay out of the video? ...are they that insecure?
3 yearsCaucasian american soldiers are no better...and more than likely worse than these Asian soldiers are on female prisoners.
3 yearsThe weak minds of the BIGOT continues: If the playboy female in this video were caucasian, the HD quality would be 720 1080 Real Talk!
3 yearsVideos such as this are adversly effected by the "Blandness" of it all. (what's good for the goose, is also good for the gander)
3 yearsThe "Bland Factor" nulifies the overall quality of this video.
3 yearsNow this is what I'd refer to as a real, true, "color" video! (It's refreshing when the videos are not so BLAND
3 yearsI don't understand why the insecure hard head had to ruin the entire video by appearing. Typical.
3 years...funny (not) is the title of the video: Wife and her Hairy Husband. If the couple in this video were really married, they'd be making a mockery of the intitution of marriage! Anyone who is truly knowledgeable about being married for real SHOULD NEVER put their marriage on BLAST by being on a porn website. Real talk (not conjecture, not an opinion, but rather absolute fact)
3 yearsRegarding to imposed advertisment prior to the start of the video, one can always scroll down viewing other videos to be selected or simply open another tab...until the 56 second advertisment is done.
3 yearsWhy are most of the Black women, especially the young ones, tend to be in the low resolution-type videos no higher than 480p AND when they are in a higher, sharper resolution, 720p - 1080p, they are very short in terms of duration? I would any other time deduce it to be mere coincidence. But considering the extent of how unnecessarily partial and bigot-oreniented the male caucasian spankbang website ownership consistently are, then I would say that its hardly coincidence.
3 yearsFood for thought: If a video can be titled "Jap Bus, Train, etc" because its a lame attempt to slight the ethnicity of the actors of the video (typical for the caucasian) it can therefore be titled the "Honky Bus", or the "Cracker Train" could it not?
3 about asanine: The insecure caucasian male titled this video "Black Girl"...yet if she were caucasian, they wouldn't titled the video "white girl"....The point is that bigotry continues to decend to yet a lower level, still.
3 yearsIts a damn shame how this lame duck WB wants to screw a youn female in her rectum rather than where what he has to represent a penis is suppose to go..Only a pervert or a faggot (male homosexual) would want to place his penis where it doesn belong.
3 yearsThese young, gulible, disillusioned,inexperienced, uneducated females don't even question why they have to display their rectum/anus (as if it's an alternative place for a male or pervert deviant to place his penis - as if the vagina is not sufficient enough. Food for thought.
3 yearsI wonder if anyone who frequents this or any similar website have a VALID, VIABLE, OBJECTIVE reason SEGREGATIONISM is condone in the pornography industry? I know personally that it's not valid...just curious about another VALID point of view. (anyone with at least a junior high school education SHOULD already know that wrongdoing can't be justified. It's futile to attempt to do so - "a striving after the wind" in fact)
4 yearsThe title of this video should be: Lexisexi69 getting reveng on her boyfriend with BBC (Her boyfriend CHEATED first) Furthermore, her so-called boyfriend is caucasian. That more than likely the reason this video was titled as it was.
4 yearsa female with self-respect wouldn't be in porn. Females in porn of any aspect DO NOT know nor can they accurately define DIGNITY or SELF- RESPECT. I personally from research found out that, sadly 98 percent strippers, porn site participants, general porn, most don't know or have NEVER been taught what DIGNITY or SELF-RESPECT are.
4 years"food for thought": it mere coincidence or perpetration on the part of the insecure, caucasian male owners/producers of this website that any video involving a caucasian female and an Black male tends to be in 480p or lower, never HD720p, 1080p and always referred to as the non-sensical term "interracial" when its common knowledge that only one race inhabits the entire globe: The Human Race comprised of ethnicities - Black, Latin, Caucasian, Asian, etc?
4 yearsThe title to this video is bone-head compounded by arrogance! The fact of the absolute matter is that it's a "two-way street": The male may be pleasing the teen!
4 yearsThe "bland" loss prevention staff consistently tarnishes video. The point is that if you have a variety of females in terms of ethnicity portraying shoplifters, then on occasion have los prevention officer portrayed by the Weak Caucasian male. Is the Caucasian male staff still insecure after all these years? How sad, indeed!
4 yearsI would NEVER refer to anyone fucking my wife, especally on a publicized video my friend! Furthermore, I wouldn't have a wife who is doing so. REAL TALK!
4 yearsWhat idiot is his right (sain) mind would put his WIFE of all people on "BLAST" on a porn site? I can understand doing that to someone he doesn't necessarily care about, but his own WIFE...just goes to show the extent of how asinine the individual is and among many things NOT ready to even have a WIFE! about a male bitch!
4 yearsOverall, the shopylyfter thing is alright.. However, there's one glaring issue about all of the videos: The so-called Loss Prevention Officers are always Caucasian! That's indicative of the bigotry of the spankbank organization, not to mention the insecurity (historically dating back to approximately the 1700's) of the weak-minded Caucasian male in the USA. My comment is not conjecture! One need only to do their research to substantiate my valid unbias comment.