Queenie Reynolds
7 monthsShe seems quite nice. I think she is my current favorite.
1 yearShe has no idea what she is doing. That is the worst technique I have ever seen.
1 yearShe could not be more boring.
1 yearFinally! ...a soundtrack that does not suck!
1 yearWhy does everyone think they need to add music to a compilation? ...shit music, at that
1 yearshit music
1 yearMost of the so-called 'fit' girls are simply low in body fat. I'm not a fan of the random tats.
1 yearI used to have this on VHS! Thanks for the upload!
1 yearI had only seen her in two other videos and she was simply walking around outdoors, while someone videoed her. I like her naturally athletic-looking build. I figured her as more of an art model and didn't expect to see her doing more performing. She sounds smarter and thus less superficial than the average model/performer.
1 yearI don't typically gravitate toward the Asians but this one is downright ferocious.
1 yearThat was so cool. Why don't I meet girls like this? Not once has a gal said to me, "Idea! I shall cavort about our village, sans clothing, whilst you make record of my merriment!"
1 yearShe worked at a video store in Charlotte, in the late nineties. It was surreal, renting movies from her.
1 year...what an exquisite specimen
1 yearShe's as perfect a specimen as I have ever seen ...excellent photography. Bravo!
1 yearThose Teats are a national treasure.
1 yearThis is some weird place between softcore and hardcore. I don't know why they didn't just go for it.
1 yearThis is a masterclass in fucking.
1 yearThat sandy road makes me wonder if this is somewhere near the SC coast.
1 yearWow! She is exceptional.
1 yearShe has a cute mouth/teeth, among other assets.
1 yearI need me one o them red-haired creechurs.
1 yearShe has desirable traits. I would like to see her with less makeup, however.
1 yearWhy the fuck is she wearing that tacky wig??
1 yearWell, that was boring and disappointing.
1 yearIf you have a name and dialog and you are in numerous episodes you a motherfucking CHARACTER ...not an "extra"!
1 yearThat was quite bizzare. The music was strangely interesting.
1 yearWho the fuck is Vinnie?
1 yearThis is a fantastic piece of cinema...a bizarre classic.
1 yearI like her; She's my type of gal.
1 yearMe like furry kit-kats.
1 yearMagnificent!!
1 yearShe is impossibly gorgeous.
2 yearsShe should eat.
2 yearsShe is a living work of art.
2 yearsShe doesn't look Indian at all.
2 yearsYou may have uploaded this at 720p but the source was no where near that.
2 yearsI wonder if he has ever considered fucking a woman?
2 yearsI can dig it.
2 years...if only it was that easy
2 yearsI find it somewhat disturbing, how she is saying "oww" for the duration.
2 yearsShe's too cute for this line of work.
2 yearsGosh damn, she's gorgeous! She looks like a pinup doll from the sixties.
2 yearsI like her extra-large nippers. I like everything about her, in fact.
2 yearsI feel an overwhelming urge to pump my fluid into her slots.
2 years"Ice," as I recall second name.
2 yearsMe like her bigly.
2 yearsShe is amazingly attractive. She sounds like she's from GA, too.
2 yearsThose were some firm tee-tays. Thanks sharing.
2 yearsGarth does porn. Party on!
2 yearsGoddamn, I need neighbors like these!
2 yearsShe nearly disappears on that white sheet.
2 yearshow???
2 yearsWhile, I appreciate the video, everything about the title and tags are wrong. This model is neither of the persons tagged and no, I don't know her name, either.
2 yearsI like Maya but this was difficult to watch (or listen to). The super spitty technique does nothing to excite me; in fact, it has the opposite effect. She sounds like drowning pig.
2 yearsMaya Farrell
2 yearsMom and Dad in the background are just a wee bit distracting, don't you think?
2 yearswow. It's nice ro see she still drinks man-milk, occasionally.
2 yearsI like her teeth, as well as her teats.
2 yearsShe is as breedable as any woman I have ever seen. ...too bad it isn't even in 480p.
2 yearsHow can breasts be *that* perfect?
2 yearsThat is *not* Ebony Ayes.
2 years...excellent photography and fine model.
2 yearsI have long wanted to take advantage of a handicapped maiden. Bravo!
2 stunning 320p!!
2 yearsI'm always amazed at how pale these ginger-kin can be; She matches the sheet on the sofa! (I am actually a gingerman myself but I like a good dose of vitamin D from the Sun, when weather permits. I haven't been *that white* since I was born.)
2 yearsShe is abnormally attractive.
2 yearsGinger Glow on Pornhub
2 yearsShe is so gorgeous, she doesn't even look real! (Why is 'blonde' tagged?)
2 yearsYou couldn't think of a better place to record an interview, than pulling over on the interstate?
3 yearsShe is an excellent example of a female human.
3 yearsclever title!
3 years320p?? It's not 1998, anymore.
3 yearsI can now undoubtedly say, that is the darkest, finest, ebony specimen I have ever seen.
3 yearsun-fucking-believable!
3 yearsIf her name is right there on the video, then why would you not tag it as such?
3 yearsShe is the most attractive Caucasion female on the planet, in my professional opinion.
3 yearsThe eighth and ninth wonders of the world!!
3 yearsWhat a doll! Thanks for posting!
3 yearsShe possesses desirable traits.
3 yearsShe's like a goddamned machine.
3 yearsShe is quite desirable.
3 yearsWhat is that fucking incessant background noise??
3 yearsMay Marmalade
3 yearsWho is the gal with the arm tats and great teats?
3 yearsWOW
3 yearsGOSHDAMM!!