Were they speaking Russian? Was the Chinese guy speaking their language too? If so, hot!
7 monthsI don't see why this comment deserves the downvotes. Legit question
3 yearswho are they?
3 yearsthat was so hot!
3 yearsHaley Cummings was so great when she did AMWF! Her voice and stuff worked naturally with the JAV trend at the time. I wish there were more HD version of them online
4 yearswhat's her name?
4 yearsWish I could torrent a fhd version
4 yearsMVP!!
4 yearswhat are their names?
4 yearsName please???
4 yearsSomething about Melody that fits so well with that JAV vibe. She's such a dreamboat!
4 yearsIs she pregnant now?
4 yearsWhat's her name?
4 yearsMore of her please!
5 yearsDoes anyone have Gianna's full name? She's impossible to find online
5 yearsmiss her so much! please bring back the full versions