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prettiest woman on earth im pretty sure that's a fact
5 monthswhat is this shitty fucking music
5 monthsThis video is pretty great. This bitch is sexy as fuck... i'd bury my god damn face in that ass and never emerge
5 monthsnext level nerd
5 monthslose soem weight bitch
6 monthsShows nipples and pussy, think it might be too sexual for youtube. Not complaining tho, she's fine as fuck and i'd love to nibble on her pussy a lil bit
6 monthsdamn her face is busted
6 monthswhat the actual fuck am i looking at
6 monthslooks like implant scars more than anything, either way shit is disgusting
7 monthsshe looks like a very old ghost
7 monthsím gonna have to agree
7 monthsking kong
9 monthsget checked
10 monthsfat bitch 4000
10 monthsnice tits horrenduos music
10 months2 seconds in and its added to favorites
10 monthswdym racism is fucking awesome
10 monthswait till you realize how succesfull popstars are
11 monthsgrandma music, grandma panties and without the shadow of a doubt, grandma IQ
1 yearpoor skin double chin. just eat your cake and turn off the camera
1 yearchicks who put pressure on the P when pronouncing "pussy" gives me the ick
nice hair, nice skin tho. probly shave it up, get on the treadmill a bit.. and ditch that tool whos pimping you for online views
1 yearhahahahahahahahahahah
u guys are just wrong in the head
1 yearwhere have i seen her face before
1 yeardamn man even the athletes are whores
1 yearapart from the close ups of the panties this shit is boring
1 yearima follow that big titty bitch home and ring her doorbell
1 yearrediculously adorable
1 yearrice and curry and forehead dots
1 yeari will never understood guys who are into fake tits, not to mention those fucked up scars.... DISGUSTING
1 yearmore gilf than milf but she aight
1 yearyou can tell shes a bitch, anytime a guy is cucking he has hatred for his girl/wife and is secretly hoping that she will fuck some guy and run off with him, just to get rid of her dumb azz
1 yearstraight p goddess type shit
1 yearbo oh o wa ah
1 yearfucking cringing my asshole off watching this. are all these porn guys fucking retarded to listen to`?
1 yeari think he is a "boomer" lets cut him some slack. he probably needed his nephew, to even get on this site.
1 yearthat ASS tho
1 yearthat is not big tits, if she lose some weight she'll just have a pair of dried up raisins
1 yeartop tier breats, amazing
1 yearshes not just large shes straight up immobilized from eating. let her fuckin die off
1 yearshe doesnt need to do a diary about becoming fat she already half a whale
1 yearfucking love her cute little tits, that shit beats some obvious plastic, which btw is disgusting
1 yearyeah everything is pretty much shit, even the best places in the world are straight ass
1 yearthat red lip stick could be taken down a notch it looks goofy. Crazy tits though
1 yearscrew you, copper 8)
1 yearim a simple man, i guess
1 yeardo people buy this shit? rofl
1 yearew nasty cheap whore
1 yearyou know, when i rolled this clip and saw her eyes something didnt sit with me well
1 yearthese songs take me back
1 yearshe look like a nice warm soft thang
1 yearwtf is that nipple ring tho shits like an old school doorbell
1 yeargreat ass
1 yearif you looked up Phat in the dictionairy
1 yearreally cant tell if her breasts are super firm or if its implants
1 yearbig tits + Braids = Great Success
1 yearim glad shes getting dirty before shes one big wrinkle
1 yeararent they all when it comes down to it
1 yearwish she would stfu, tho
1 yearraw? sure. elegant? might need a dictionairy
1 yearher legs and her back..
1 yeargood outfits for her
1 yeardevil i rebuke you
2 yearsah yes exactly what i love, the sound of DEAFENING VACUUM CLEANER
2 yearsdeplorable behaviour, really
2 yearsgoofy bitch
2 yearsbro i dunno but shes the best thing i ever saw
2 yearsCertified Banger
2 yearsso talented
2 yearswhy is she speaking like she has some kind of mental disability?
2 yearspopsicle? wtf, are we in 5th grade? bitch is a boring dork
2 yearsBoooooring
2 yearsnice tits but fucked up face
2 yearsthe perfect girl doesnt exci-
2 yearsmore like this
3 yearsperfect bimbo
3 yearsis she the best or what
3 yearswtf is wrong with her stomach skin
4 yearsWhen ur nations banner is some random negro with xannabis buds for hair u k ow its a great place
4 yearsThats the stuff
4 yearsCute.. this piece of meat thinks shes somethin
5 yearsHalleluja