I'd spend all day in that chocolatey box
No WE don't lmao that meen tha pussy loose
Watcht it in slo-mo so it lastd 2wice az long. This woman iz incredible & dezerve a thorough poundin
Sum basterdz have all tha luck
Az good az she iz, there are many she still couldn't compete wit bc they handle much bigr packages
Step up ur stamina. 2min iz trash
Ur focust on tha wrong sht, guy lmfao
Gotta find sum more of her thick ass
That's a bbw 2U? She jus barely made it in tha thick category
Slo-mo at 6:45 👌🏾🔥
Y U can't reed? Her name ryte there lol that sht b hilarious smh
Tru story, this bich iz super fkn badd 🔥
Iz this that mf frum PoundHard Entertainment? Bich@ss lame dude who killt sum female outta jealousy. What a fkn idiot
I wouldn't 😂 but ppl still think rubbers werk lol yeah they werk but not how ppl think they do
Lol U talkin like this bich hurt yo feelinz persunally 😂 she do sumthn 2U? U kno her about az much az I do so my opinion iz az valid az yours
She ben in tha game way 2 long 2 have trash head smh
Purfikt Godis frame 👌🏾 Mazerati fyre af OnG
She need throat trainin
Idk but she look like Laura Moon frum American Gods lol she need her throat stufft properly tho. I woulda shoved at least half down in her face smh all that basic head suckin bs iz terrible. I can't b fkn tha sht out a bich if I can't get glazed how I want it
Angelina Deep... but Melissa Deep iz betr. She actually disappears tha whole stick
Gotta find more of her 🔥
Tha last angle waz tha best part & it stops when they ain't evn done smh
I'd hafta put tha camera down. My handz belong all ovr that wobbly mountain of bootymeat. It's ben too long sense I had 1 like her
Now watch it again in slo-mo 🔥🔥🔥 this sht not pxrn. This iz art 🏆
Fine af fr... all she need iz sum bigr tiddies & a lil mo throat trainin. She almost got it all
I'll dig in her throat & beat them cheeks but kissin? That's out
Krystal purfikt in slo-mo 👌🏾
Agreed but 2 each hiz own. Wouldn't say no, I jus prefer slo & deep
Iz this that fag who killt a female? Dude frum poundhard ent? I think it iz
Head waz complete trash. She's a fail. All trannies must deepthroat idc I woulda had her gaggin hard, smashin her lips into my nuts
All trannyz must deepthroat idc. Othrwyze she a whole failure
Y iz this fat ass not gettin fkt? This irritates me lol
Head weak tho, basic af. All trannyz must disappear my sht completely. Throat or dye
I woulda clapt that fat heavy bubble way longr smh
If I waz that big, I'd catch a charge 4 abuze. Her mouf look nice all stufft like that lol
A couple slackers but great video overall. Werth watchin all tha way thru
Idk bit she's fkn FYRE 🔥
Theze women set tha bar rather high. Most can't eat anywhere near this good
Had to slo-mo this sht. It's too short & she iz too fyre on tha mic 🏆🔥
There should b a real man receivin this werld class treatment, not a piece of plastic smh
Purfikt milf wit awesome tits. I'd alwayz blast down her throat
Cathy Heaven 🔥 top 10 greatest pole smokers of all tyme. If U don't, start educatin urself post haste
Tha way she cup tha ballz & stuff her face full, pro level eatin. I'd hafta bash her wallz down 4 that
Song sound like Messy Marv 👌🏾🔥 that sht slap too
She needz 2 get at least halfway down. In xxtreme cases such az this, that'd b totally acceptable lol tha look on her face while she struggles for air but choakin on meat, must b sweet
Guess I triggered sum lil dck fagz whoze equipment don't werk 🤣 it must suck to not have xxcellent stamina & endurance. If U nevr had a woman look U ded in tha eyes & tell U that waz tha best fkn she evr had, then U chumps are slackin but it ain't my fault 🤣😭
My sentiments exactly. I would happily replace that plastic bs wit real beef for her face & throat. Funny bc I jus came frum a old video where I sed that same sht & sum lil dck dudes downvoted me 🤣 🌈
Myte az well keep tha bedwench. She got aids karona & sum mo sht if she fkt wit theze homo ass woman-hatin weirdo kkkracka mf's
Whoevr titled this vid iz absolutely rainbow coalition. Reece badd af, idgaf what yo fruity ass say. RiP 2 them fat ass tiddies tho smfh
Jus wanna thank U lil babee dck, no stamina havin dweebs for dislikin my comment lol yo stroke gotta b trash 🤣🤣
Xtra chonky & I can handle all that. Not a problm. It's what I do
Beat that fat blubbery booty into submission wit no mercy
I'll stand up in her box
Sumthn wrong wit yo brain then. Betr get that checkt out
Like a fkn idiot. Keep gettin stories on IG about bichs doin this. I swear tha algorythm jus wanna trigger a mf. Wtf iz up wit this bs?!
Before tha reduction, when she still had that purfikt Godis frame smh wtf iz wrong wit theze bichs? Cuttin off tha most tremendous tiddies should b a felony punishable by torturous methods
Reece instantly waz a #1 type soon az I seen her. Absolutely purfikt... til she got a fkn reduction smfh I curse whoevr put that bs in her head. Bichs have superbadd bodies & wanna cut sht off & flat, borin bichs wanna stuff theyself wit unknown chemicalz 2 plump up. Weird AF
Waz smh
I woulda dug in her throat sumthn serious
All tha way up, all tha way down, no handz & stuffs it. I like her style. Xxcellent technique
Thoze tender moments lmao
Lil mama way 2 fkn cute 4 this weak ass raw chickn bs
Luv them plump juucy chocolate bubble cheeks. Y iz this goof coverin her up? Smfh
Not a single 1 of theze mf's treatd tha tiddies like they really dezerve. I could coat em all in layerz of saliva
🏆 she werkt hard 2 perfect her style. Supervillian skillz wit tha throat werk. She tha kind U keep
Bruh waz diggin all tha best 1's
That meaty wobble go krazy. Definitely want that mf in my lap
That loose booty remind me of this chick I uzed 2 fw back in Oakland. Stood on her couch & throatfkt her 4 a hour straight but would act like she ain't like me lol
Fyre glaze, fat plump cheeks 🔥 that's a W 🏆
Not a wig. They sho tha part in tha front of her head. Her hair dyed. I'm jus more focust on how she eat & she did well
CJ waz diggin in all tha baddies. Lookin like a thick ass Rihanna wit heavy bubble cheeks 🔥 I need bigr tiddyz tho
Y U illiterate mf's can't reed? Smh
Weak af smh bruh small & she actin like she can't eat it all. Her face shoulda stayd stufft in hiz pelvis. Bichs like this get on my nerves. She playin games
I seen much wurse but this a hard pass 4 me. I ain't really impresst til she disappear sum sht & she ain't got it
Liked her othr name betr. Anorei iz unique
Tha more pxrn I watch, tha more it occurs 2 me a lotta dudes have no idea how 2 treat sum huge tiddyz or how 2 properly manhandle a bich in general
My favorite fat wyte girl. She would get tha full Godis body treatment for hours. Wouldn't evn consider pullin out
NME 🔥 them big darkskin bichs iz 4evr my favorite flavor. That meen jaw would jus make me wanna fk tha sht outta her chonky ass evn more. I woulda 69'd her
& he trash wit tha camera smh we wanna c tha ass & this mf focust on hiz junk smh
9000, bruh... power level ovr 9000 #SaiyanPride 👌🏾
Cutie, not bad eithr. Woulda had her go a lil slower & a lot deepr. & she thick too? Nah we gotta find a lil cut where I can bang her down
Bichs alwayz tryna lick tha ballz 2 avoid dick in her throat
😂 TB got me fkn ccrryyyiinn 🤣😭
Paranoid complainin dope feens are tha wurst. It's nevr that serious
I ben raw in a lotta chicks but she wouldn't b 1 of em. Post-nut clarity would have me ashamed of myself 4 goin there at all
That sht iz kraaazy smh
What Flava sed 💯💯 i'd beat that box up sumthn decent fr
Tha hed waz seriously lackin but that fat bubble lookin ryte, smashin in hiz lap. Hate fkn in cars. I need room 2 maneuver on her thick ass
I'll take Lady Snow & tha chick wit Pinky
This purfikt 4 a tiddy fiend like me. If they ain't xxtra heavy, I can't evn werk wit her fr
Auntee got stoopid plump bubble too. I'd hafta werk ovrtyme. She wouldn't get no qwicky. I'd b on her 4 a while
She a champ 🏆 gettin my dick ate tha ryte way only make me wanna fk tha sht outta her evn more
It's up 2 us 2 make sure they do tha ryte thang. If she ain't gaggin & choakin, she not really tryin. Me, I'ma make her disappear sumthn
Stop lettin bichs play theze games. Dude ain't big like that. She can vanish that sht. Push in her throat. Fkn wit me, she'd lern
Slo & fully disappeared 🏆🔥 she a keeper in my book
I remembr seein 1 video of her. I do like how she werk
Faxx, I'd werk her thick ass out
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I'd spend all day in that chocolatey box
12 hoursNo WE don't lmao that meen tha pussy loose
12 hoursWatcht it in slo-mo so it lastd 2wice az long. This woman iz incredible & dezerve a thorough poundin
13 hoursSum basterdz have all tha luck
13 hoursAz good az she iz, there are many she still couldn't compete wit bc they handle much bigr packages
13 hoursStep up ur stamina. 2min iz trash
13 hoursUr focust on tha wrong sht, guy lmfao
18 hoursGotta find sum more of her thick ass
19 hoursThat's a bbw 2U? She jus barely made it in tha thick category
19 hoursSlo-mo at 6:45 👌🏾🔥
19 hoursY U can't reed? Her name ryte there lol that sht b hilarious smh
19 hoursTru story, this bich iz super fkn badd 🔥
19 hoursIz this that mf frum PoundHard Entertainment? Bich@ss lame dude who killt sum female outta jealousy. What a fkn idiot
19 hoursI wouldn't 😂 but ppl still think rubbers werk lol yeah they werk but not how ppl think they do
19 hoursLol U talkin like this bich hurt yo feelinz persunally 😂 she do sumthn 2U? U kno her about az much az I do so my opinion iz az valid az yours
1 dayShe ben in tha game way 2 long 2 have trash head smh
1 dayPurfikt Godis frame 👌🏾 Mazerati fyre af OnG
1 dayShe need throat trainin
1 dayIdk but she look like Laura Moon frum American Gods lol she need her throat stufft properly tho. I woulda shoved at least half down in her face smh all that basic head suckin bs iz terrible. I can't b fkn tha sht out a bich if I can't get glazed how I want it
1 dayAngelina Deep... but Melissa Deep iz betr. She actually disappears tha whole stick
1 dayGotta find more of her 🔥
1 dayTha last angle waz tha best part & it stops when they ain't evn done smh
1 dayI'd hafta put tha camera down. My handz belong all ovr that wobbly mountain of bootymeat. It's ben too long sense I had 1 like her
1 dayNow watch it again in slo-mo 🔥🔥🔥 this sht not pxrn. This iz art 🏆
1 dayFine af fr... all she need iz sum bigr tiddies & a lil mo throat trainin. She almost got it all
1 dayI'll dig in her throat & beat them cheeks but kissin? That's out
1 dayKrystal purfikt in slo-mo 👌🏾
1 dayAgreed but 2 each hiz own. Wouldn't say no, I jus prefer slo & deep
1 dayIz this that fag who killt a female? Dude frum poundhard ent? I think it iz
1 dayHead waz complete trash. She's a fail. All trannies must deepthroat idc I woulda had her gaggin hard, smashin her lips into my nuts
2 daysAll trannyz must deepthroat idc. Othrwyze she a whole failure
2 daysY iz this fat ass not gettin fkt? This irritates me lol
2 daysHead weak tho, basic af. All trannyz must disappear my sht completely. Throat or dye
2 daysI woulda clapt that fat heavy bubble way longr smh
2 daysIf I waz that big, I'd catch a charge 4 abuze. Her mouf look nice all stufft like that lol
2 daysA couple slackers but great video overall. Werth watchin all tha way thru
3 daysIdk bit she's fkn FYRE 🔥
3 daysTheze women set tha bar rather high. Most can't eat anywhere near this good
3 daysHad to slo-mo this sht. It's too short & she iz too fyre on tha mic 🏆🔥
3 daysThere should b a real man receivin this werld class treatment, not a piece of plastic smh
3 daysPurfikt milf wit awesome tits. I'd alwayz blast down her throat
3 daysCathy Heaven 🔥 top 10 greatest pole smokers of all tyme. If U don't, start educatin urself post haste
3 daysTha way she cup tha ballz & stuff her face full, pro level eatin. I'd hafta bash her wallz down 4 that
3 daysSong sound like Messy Marv 👌🏾🔥 that sht slap too
3 daysShe needz 2 get at least halfway down. In xxtreme cases such az this, that'd b totally acceptable lol tha look on her face while she struggles for air but choakin on meat, must b sweet
3 daysGuess I triggered sum lil dck fagz whoze equipment don't werk 🤣 it must suck to not have xxcellent stamina & endurance. If U nevr had a woman look U ded in tha eyes & tell U that waz tha best fkn she evr had, then U chumps are slackin but it ain't my fault 🤣😭
3 daysMy sentiments exactly. I would happily replace that plastic bs wit real beef for her face & throat. Funny bc I jus came frum a old video where I sed that same sht & sum lil dck dudes downvoted me 🤣 🌈
3 daysMyte az well keep tha bedwench. She got aids karona & sum mo sht if she fkt wit theze homo ass woman-hatin weirdo kkkracka mf's
3 daysWhoevr titled this vid iz absolutely rainbow coalition. Reece badd af, idgaf what yo fruity ass say. RiP 2 them fat ass tiddies tho smfh
3 daysJus wanna thank U lil babee dck, no stamina havin dweebs for dislikin my comment lol yo stroke gotta b trash 🤣🤣
3 daysXtra chonky & I can handle all that. Not a problm. It's what I do
3 daysBeat that fat blubbery booty into submission wit no mercy
3 daysBeat that fat blubbery booty into submission wit no mercy
3 daysBeat that fat blubbery booty into submission wit no mercy
3 daysI'll stand up in her box
3 daysSumthn wrong wit yo brain then. Betr get that checkt out
3 daysLike a fkn idiot. Keep gettin stories on IG about bichs doin this. I swear tha algorythm jus wanna trigger a mf. Wtf iz up wit this bs?!
3 daysBefore tha reduction, when she still had that purfikt Godis frame smh wtf iz wrong wit theze bichs? Cuttin off tha most tremendous tiddies should b a felony punishable by torturous methods
3 daysReece instantly waz a #1 type soon az I seen her. Absolutely purfikt... til she got a fkn reduction smfh I curse whoevr put that bs in her head. Bichs have superbadd bodies & wanna cut sht off & flat, borin bichs wanna stuff theyself wit unknown chemicalz 2 plump up. Weird AF
3 daysWaz smh
3 daysI woulda dug in her throat sumthn serious
3 daysAll tha way up, all tha way down, no handz & stuffs it. I like her style. Xxcellent technique
3 daysThoze tender moments lmao
3 daysLil mama way 2 fkn cute 4 this weak ass raw chickn bs
3 daysLuv them plump juucy chocolate bubble cheeks. Y iz this goof coverin her up? Smfh
3 daysNot a single 1 of theze mf's treatd tha tiddies like they really dezerve. I could coat em all in layerz of saliva
3 days🏆 she werkt hard 2 perfect her style. Supervillian skillz wit tha throat werk. She tha kind U keep
3 daysBruh waz diggin all tha best 1's
4 daysThat meaty wobble go krazy. Definitely want that mf in my lap
4 daysThat loose booty remind me of this chick I uzed 2 fw back in Oakland. Stood on her couch & throatfkt her 4 a hour straight but would act like she ain't like me lol
4 daysFyre glaze, fat plump cheeks 🔥 that's a W 🏆
4 daysNot a wig. They sho tha part in tha front of her head. Her hair dyed. I'm jus more focust on how she eat & she did well
4 daysCJ waz diggin in all tha baddies. Lookin like a thick ass Rihanna wit heavy bubble cheeks 🔥 I need bigr tiddyz tho
4 daysY U illiterate mf's can't reed? Smh
4 daysWeak af smh bruh small & she actin like she can't eat it all. Her face shoulda stayd stufft in hiz pelvis. Bichs like this get on my nerves. She playin games
4 daysI seen much wurse but this a hard pass 4 me. I ain't really impresst til she disappear sum sht & she ain't got it
5 daysLiked her othr name betr. Anorei iz unique
5 daysTha more pxrn I watch, tha more it occurs 2 me a lotta dudes have no idea how 2 treat sum huge tiddyz or how 2 properly manhandle a bich in general
5 daysMy favorite fat wyte girl. She would get tha full Godis body treatment for hours. Wouldn't evn consider pullin out
5 daysNME 🔥 them big darkskin bichs iz 4evr my favorite flavor. That meen jaw would jus make me wanna fk tha sht outta her chonky ass evn more. I woulda 69'd her
5 days& he trash wit tha camera smh we wanna c tha ass & this mf focust on hiz junk smh
5 days9000, bruh... power level ovr 9000 #SaiyanPride 👌🏾
5 daysCutie, not bad eithr. Woulda had her go a lil slower & a lot deepr. & she thick too? Nah we gotta find a lil cut where I can bang her down
5 daysBichs alwayz tryna lick tha ballz 2 avoid dick in her throat
5 days😂 TB got me fkn ccrryyyiinn 🤣😭
5 daysParanoid complainin dope feens are tha wurst. It's nevr that serious
5 daysI ben raw in a lotta chicks but she wouldn't b 1 of em. Post-nut clarity would have me ashamed of myself 4 goin there at all
5 daysThat sht iz kraaazy smh
5 daysWhat Flava sed 💯💯 i'd beat that box up sumthn decent fr
5 daysTha hed waz seriously lackin but that fat bubble lookin ryte, smashin in hiz lap. Hate fkn in cars. I need room 2 maneuver on her thick ass
5 daysI'll take Lady Snow & tha chick wit Pinky
5 daysThis purfikt 4 a tiddy fiend like me. If they ain't xxtra heavy, I can't evn werk wit her fr
5 daysAuntee got stoopid plump bubble too. I'd hafta werk ovrtyme. She wouldn't get no qwicky. I'd b on her 4 a while
5 daysShe a champ 🏆 gettin my dick ate tha ryte way only make me wanna fk tha sht outta her evn more
5 daysIt's up 2 us 2 make sure they do tha ryte thang. If she ain't gaggin & choakin, she not really tryin. Me, I'ma make her disappear sumthn
5 daysStop lettin bichs play theze games. Dude ain't big like that. She can vanish that sht. Push in her throat. Fkn wit me, she'd lern
5 daysSlo & fully disappeared 🏆🔥 she a keeper in my book
5 daysI remembr seein 1 video of her. I do like how she werk
5 daysFaxx, I'd werk her thick ass out
6 days👌🏾🔥🔥🔥