you know if you american girls would stop being fat you could at least make money this way, too
6 monthsThat is
6 monthsMomo could be the prettiest person in all of porn but I wonder if she has ever gotten a dude off with a blowjob because this cutie pie just won't shut the fuck up for 30 seconds. She talks through everything. She'd still reject me, that's for sure
6 monthsshe might be the last decent looking girl in porn now that the money has gone. I wonder if she will work for me
8 monthswell that's it. porn clearly doesn't pay well. The only girls in it now are just meh. Nice tats lady
1 yearyour only job is sound on a porn set. You had one job.
1 yeardang remember when she was young and good looking?
1 yearI wish porn paid better so they could get good looking women to be in it. I guess we have to settle with this
1 yearhow does a girl with such a perfect ass wind up in porn? Kind of a shame
1 year"write some formulas on the board, intern."
2 yearswhat did I just watch
2 yearsthe guy poppin' in with the virtual helmoet doesn't do it for me
2 yearsapparently you can click enough times to wind up with some creep shit
2 yearsthere's no more money in porn. It shows
2 yearswell that was interesting