I don't know about all that bud. 🤔😆
3 monthsStop being a hater, better yet stop cock blocking 🍆💦🍑🛑✋️🚫 my man
3 monthsSounds about right
3 monthsWrong! No it ain't
3 monthsHe put the vid out without her consent!
3 monthsDude don't know how to do pov work, turn the fucking light on dude, SERIOUSLY!
5 monthsIt's funny how they get these women to script this shit apparently! 1st time on camera but been in the industry for a minute! What the fuck right? Just be honest because it makes ZERO SENSE & this Nick guy is a bit of a fucking weirdo like FOREAL! Don't get this guy at all! His methods or the fact these women worked with these guys! 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
5 monthsFor ALL the mothafuckas saying that they'll tap that ass, correct me If I'm wrong but didn't she catch some kind of STD or something that put her outta the industry? What was it? SARS or something & heard she gave a few guys STDs in the past. I HAVEN'T seen her fuck a guy or fan I'm the past or yet tbh & that should confirm it all. Especially with her bs onlyfans imo because it's just vibrator play & no action
5 monthsTell me about it 😂😂😂 Dudes' a fuckin weirdo in my opinion. REALLY wish him & James could've been REPLACED regardless of who they are!
5 monthsONLY GAY MFS LOOK AT THIS SHIT👀 💩💩💩🚽🧻 🤢🤮 WTF? Chicks or whatever the fuck with DICKS 🍆🍆🍆
5 monthsI do miss her
5 months🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
6 monthsAgreed! Sorry ass white boy!
6 months🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 exactly!
6 months🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
6 monthsThat's what somebody posted about the vid which was a while ago.
1 yearSeriously dude?
1 yearThen u'd be dead by now my man at that age!
1 yearDon't u mean Tracie Love dude?
2 yearsTrying to find that info about dumbass Nick getting Kimber pregnant