Or go watch the adorable slightly plump younger cum slut at 53 mins shyly but so fucking hornily agree to be eaten and her as he eats her cunt just lose the last shred of inhibition as she just wants to get fucked by a big pro dick!! HOT AS FUCKKKK
1 monthThis is the GOLDEN DAYS of PH, and this episode may have the most amateur cum sluts sucking and fucking of any I've seen, it's at least 50 and maybe more...just watch at 140 for 10-15 mins and you'll see 3-4 sexy turned older ams, some with full bush, getting FUCKED and trying to cum....this is why PH ruled so many cocks and cunts during this time..
5 monthsand holy fuck, look at the gorgeous so fucking turned on brunette at 19:30 eyes light up as the dude grabs the back of her hair tight and starts blasting ropes of cum in her gorgeous mouth...after the first couple she just fucking leans into it and inhales the rest of his nut, deep in her mouth, cleaning his cock no extra charge....fucckkkkkkkk is right
7 monthsThe golden days of PH...and this has some truly solid gold cum sluts and facials ...gorgeous sexy shit. And genuine lust which was mostly lost over the later years. Look at the incredibly hot cum slut at 14:45 (perfect full puffy tits, adorable face) - the lust is just fucking pouring out of her eyes as he busts on her tits, and the tongue kiss after...if she could have swallowed every inch of his dick right then she would have. FUCKKKK
9 monthswhat a gorgeous fucking cum fun, SOOO sexy, and when she's riding with those big full tits and huge swollen nipples in our face, it's hard not to lose an edge 33.50, try not to cum....fucckkkk
9 monthswow, SEXY AS FUCKKKKK, especially her joy cleaning the ass and cunt and cum cream off that dick at the end
9 monthswow, I;d watch her all fucking day, tightest hottest 51 yo body ever..that ass is world class at any age, and her joy throughout the whole experience, as she came over and over....especially the anal nuts, was over the top HOT AS FUCKKKKKKK
9 monthsVery cool, and sexy as FUCKKK....may I ask, are you coding her name? Is it Jaymee there more Ollis? You know here but never got a taste of that gorgeous pussy? Good stuff, thanks!! xo heather (older mom who gets off on authentic, sexy fucks like her)
1 yearand those fucking tits....omg
1 yearone of the hottest young fucks I've even gotten off to...real love and so much fucking lust pouring off them
1 yearthose fucking tits!!!!!!
1 yearwatching BM get it ON is sexy AF...we've gotten off to her milky tits for years....fucking to her cunt now is hot
1 yearlook how fucking TIGHT she is on those HARD AF nipples...that's the real sexy shit, mature cum slut knowing what works, and NEEDING the fucking nut...and the way she milks it through the waves of her nut...fucckkkkkk
1 yearthose tits!! "fuck me like a slut"
1 yearTruly a fantastic comp!! One of the hottest I've ever gotten off to, thanks for the great work...some gorgeous cum sluts I've never seen or used before...xo heather
1 yeargorgeous swollen cunt, gorgeous cum slut
1 yearoh fuck she's HOTTER than FUCKKKKK....that dirty talk, multiple announcements, hard as fuck nipples and sexiest cum flushed chest at 10;40 -11 is worth the wait...SEXY AFFFFF
1 yearFUCKING SEXY nuts....gorgeous cums
1 yearadorable dirty as FUCK cum slut...LOVE her...she wanted to get absolutely FUCKED and worshipped that load...
1 yearoh fuck yeah, she CAN'T leave that nipple alone in her cum rush....xo
1 yeargreat series, even better, thanks
1 yearI don't think I've ever seen this whole 32 mins, never seen the intro before for example. This is erotic art, and REAL, INTENSE AS FUCK orgasms x 4 or how hard they cum, watch the authentic ass play, the intense tit pinches, the way Mylah pulls AM's face back into her cunt as she's cumming HARD!!!! TY
1 yearholy fuckkk, those asshole snaps at the end...she's amazing full stop
1 yearincredibly well done, incredibly hot...just SEXY AS FUCKKKKKKK
1 yearSonya T with I Feel myself, check out the Heroine Worship series of 4 with Tracy and Sonya
1 yearyes, and Heroine Worship (especially v 3 of the 4) is my favorite...Tracy asks her to stand up close to the bed so she can perv her big tits more easily as they both jack their clits and cum hard
1 yearintense, gorgeous cum, that ass snap!!! And she pulls the warm cunt cream up her nipple after just like I do...xo
1 yearfuck yeah, gorgeous and a good fuck, and my god, look at that huge swollen sexy AF clit when she jacks it fora bit around 13mins, try not to cum....fucckkkkkkkkk
1 yearpregnant, horny AF, incredibly hot nipple play and jacking her clit like a gorgeous crazed cum slut at the end....FYUCKKKKKKKKK
1 yearonly anally fisted and fucked with a vibe, no anal? She is legit dirty AF and the dude was up to it for a change. When she came with his fist in her ass, it popped his nut. HUGE load and he spent half of taking it from her ass to her face...that's good work.
1 yearthose fucking tits on that frame....fucckkkkk, hot nuts too
1 yearhot AF milk play at its loving off 2x and still edging...
2 yearsbest IFM comp as FUCKKKKKKK
2 yearsso fucking hot
2 yearsthe fucking BOMB collection of hot nuts...damn
2 yearsholy shit, unfucking believably hot, intense nut, pounding on her clit and cunt and watch it all start to snap, including her ass as she busts....fucckkkkkkk
2 yearsher nut at 730 is super hot and intense, edging for a long time on the way...then look at that big gorgeous dick he's jacking and she gives us that perfect tan lined ass as she leans in and gets fed his load...every drop...fuckckkkkk
2 yearslENA IS FUCKING GORGEOUS, always and it's her intense nipple play as she nuts that always gets me off!! xo heather
2 yearsoh my, so fucking hot...look at those tits, the slender legs, and my god when she sticks that cunt creamy finger in her ass as she pounds her cunt with two others....FUCKKKKKK came so hard, look how deep that ass finger stays through her intense nut xo heather
2 yearsYES!! This is perfect SHE is perfect. Adorable, dirty as FUCK and tits to make me cum forever...big full natural puffy and she fucking LOVES them as much as me. LOOK at her VICE GRIP on her left tit and nipple thru the tank as she busts the first nut around 3:40. And seeing those gorgeous full naturals, with light blue veins rimming those perfect nipples, seeing the tits out for her last cum rush is a tit slut's dream. And my god am I a tit slut!! Thanks for this share, xo heather
2 yearsthat blonde is an incredibly erotic athletic cum slut, watch and listent to her frantic SEXY AF cum rushes at 16:25 and 23 mins, watch her just fucking jill her clit like an Olympic athlete and those "fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCKKKKKK's' are over the top. xo heather
2 yearsthose gorgeous tits, and long lingering views of that luscious cunt...good stuff
3 yearsSUPERB!!!!! I'm a connisseur and there were tons here that are new to me, and every one of these gorgeous cum sluts gave us REAL, intense, hot as FUCK nuts, amazing quality. Thank you!!!! xo heather
8 yearsLIandra Dahl and her anal loving friend....and in this one she FUCKS her a great cum, look at Liandra's perfect tits....and then Liandra busts off a HUGE one, with her left hand on her clit and TIGHT nipple sucks....FUCKKKKKK