She was. Then her spiteful ex put out a private video of them and she spiraled and wound up ODing. Guy even laughed about it afterward, like he was proud of himself.
3 monthsShe got sick. I think she got diagnosed with endo and then treatment for that caused a thyroid issue. She was gone for a while.
7 monthsNo, Masked and Anyastja are two different people
8 monthsShe was getting nasty messages from people because she had scaled back her nudity. Including someone letting it slip that they knew her address. So she shut it down. She just reactivated her YT channel though
8 monthsPretty sure this is one of Kitty Klaw's early vids.
9 monthsWell, besides her calf hearts, but she got those at an age where she couldn't be making videos like this
9 monthsWow, pre-ink Flora...
9 monthsShe reminds me of the high school visual design teacher. I don't think there was a straight guy in that school of any grade or position that didn't want to break it off inside her.
9 monthsTitles it American Daughters, but has Canadian, Brazilian, and Israeli girls feature prominently. lol
1 yearI think so
1 yearWish her and her cousin Zoey would do a scene together like half-sisters Veronica and Katya Rodriguez did
1 yearWears a Jewish star in another video and has the first words of a Hebrew prayer tattooed on her forearms.
1 yearThat was me, don't tell my gf
1 yearHottest Jewish girl on the amateur scene right now
1 yearIt does. Ear licking does not work to trigger my response, but skin/butt scratching does
1 yearEmma Starletto guys by a different name for her solo stuff? That's a neat idea from a business persepctive.
1 yearDon't think so, just the magic of lighting and makeup
1 yearYeah, she apparently was going through some shit, potentially being harassed as well.
1 yearSad to see her go (she's deleting all her explicit content from her sites).
1 yearShe went to high school in the next district over. I'm not exaggerating when I say she fucked everything that moved. She was basically her own FB meme.
1 yearLooks like |vy @ur@ lads and lasses
1 yearLooks like she did ballet
1 yearM0n@ W@!3$
1 yearIts the Texas woman who gave her son up for adoption when she was young and reconnected with him 20 years later and started a relationship with him
1 yearLighting and makeup
1 yearNo rules requiring nudity on OF
1 yearI think GILF, actually
1 yearI went looking for what the tattoo was, and it was a snake wrapped around something vaguely phallic, but I couldn't tell exactly what it was. What I did notice is in most of her vids, she tried to keep it out of the camera. Like when she was in doggy, she's always shot from the other side.
1 yearPeople heal at different rates. Burns take a while, and that's basically what it is: burning off a tattoo.
1 yearShe's aged like fine wine; she's even hotter now that she's in her 30s
1 yearMmmph, she was so fine before she bimbo'd herself.
1 yearShe got her start with her workout vids. If her pecs are well toned, those might actually be the real deal
1 yearSlowly but surely, she's getting to what everyone is waiting for...
2 yearsLiterally at the bottom of the video, friendo
2 yearsM0n@ W@|3$
2 years@|l33 @nn3
2 yearsAilee Anne, she did two NVG videos, I'll DM you the second one, first one is MIA at the moment.
2 yearsI don't think she's *that* loaded. Not enough that she has 8-11 mil in the bank where she can actually retire. Now, Amouranth, she has a net value above 100mil, and she's invested in all kinds of retail and gas station chains.
2 yearsI recognize that tattoo... she was on NVG not too long ago
2 yearsW|ll0W H@y3$
2 yearswrong
2 yearsWhyyyy did she get surgery?
2 yearsDid she die or quit?
2 yearsShe has a jealous partner who will let her make content for a while and then makes her stop.
2 yearsWow, the work she had done on her face is... not great
2 yearsW1nt3r J@d3, says it right in the first few seconds
2 yearsAlways creampie Japanese girls, they've got a birthrate in free fall
2 yearsGuess she changed her mind about doing masturbation vids. Wonder if she'll change her mind about full nudity next.
2 yearsIts amusing how she planned on retiring from porn after 2019 and going back to real estate... and then Covid happened and she came back.
3 yearsThat's Lucy C1|n3, not Kylie
3 yearshalf-sisters, same dad, different mom. Definitely biological sisters though
3 years"Never going nude"
3 yearsCorrupted upload
3 yearsI take it she got divorced? New apartment, no wedding ring that I can see.
3 yearsCould be psoriatic arthritis. My friend Nichole has the same thing
3 yearsThey actually look like they could be siblings though lol. Look at their facial features
3 yearsAnastasia Knight
3 yearsYup, sure is
3 yearsThis must be old if her bust is still that small
3 yearsC130 V1x3n
3 yearsThink she might have meant "I'm not loose enough for them" meaning easy enough, and just misspoke
3 yearsSame problem, locks up at 16:08
3 yearsYes, she is
4 yearsShe was on Chaturbate, PH Live, and has an OnlyFans. But she got sick and simultaneously had to deal with some issues in her life so her posts are still coming, but less involved than this.
4 yearsR|L3Y $T@RR
4 yearsMost of her stuff is SFW on YouTube
4 yearsSheena and Diana together? Oh my...
4 yearsYou ain't never been with a woman who's popped a few kids out?
8 yearsIf I didn't know better, I'd say that's Aurora Snow